DxO acquires the Nik Collection

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Late last month, DxO announced that it has acquired the Nik Collection from Google. As a direct result of this acquisition, it seems, Nik Software’s U Point interface technology is now included in DxO’s flagship image processing software, along with a name change of that software from DxO Optics Pro to DxO PhotoLab. The Nik… Continue reading DxO acquires the Nik Collection

Ten thousand hits

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

It’s been a little over a year since I started this weblog, and visitor traffic has reached 10,000 hits. Quite a few of the hits in the first few days would have been webcrawlers and other non-human visitors, but overall there should be a fairly low proportion of those in the cumulative statistics by now. In any… Continue reading Ten thousand hits

The Nik Collection is now free

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Nik Software produced one of the best regarded photographic post-processing software packages available, and the company subsequently became part of Google in 2012. A few days ago, Google announced that it’s making the Nik Collection available free of charge. I’ve never tried the package myself, but if your computer and software meet the minimum system requirements (including which versions of Adobe software… Continue reading The Nik Collection is now free