First Tae Kwon Do Headquarters in June 2018

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit First Tae Kwon Do headquarters in Adelaide, South Australia. The hall had challenging lighting—strong daylight from outside was mixed with at least two different types of interior lighting. In a few of the photographs below, the subjects are clearly backlit, and it took significant exposure compensation in post-processing… Continue reading First Tae Kwon Do Headquarters in June 2018

Trouble for DxO?

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Thanks to Mike Johnston (The Online Photographer), I’ve become aware that DxO appears to be in some financial difficulties. In a news release, DxO indicated that on 7 March 2018 it had filed for bankruptcy protection, and was restructuring its business. I’ve relied on DxO Optics Pro as my main RAW conversion program for some… Continue reading Trouble for DxO?

DxO acquires the Nik Collection

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Late last month, DxO announced that it has acquired the Nik Collection from Google. As a direct result of this acquisition, it seems, Nik Software’s U Point interface technology is now included in DxO’s flagship image processing software, along with a name change of that software from DxO Optics Pro to DxO PhotoLab. The Nik… Continue reading DxO acquires the Nik Collection