May 2018 action

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Master Vernon Low was in Perth again recently on a regular teaching visit. During the event, he went over kicking techniques with senior coloured belt members, then through a range of basic combination and self-defence exercises with black belt members and instructors. Master Low’s concentration is clearly visible as he focuses on his students’ performance of each technique that he is teaching on.

First Tae Kwon Do instruction, May 2018, Perth
FTKD instruction, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do instruction, May 2018, Perth
FTKD instruction, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do Master Vernon Low, May 2018, Perth
FTKD Master Vernon Low, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do instruction, May 2018, Perth
FTKD instruction, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do basics, May 2018, Perth
FTKD basics, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do basics, May 2018, Perth
FTKD basics, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do basics, May 2018, Perth
FTKD basics, May 2018
First Tae Kwon Do self-defence, May 2018, Perth
FTKD self-defence, May 2018

Despite the fluorescent lighting in this venue, it was fairly straightforward to adjust the colour of the images to get a faithful representation of what each scene looked like in person. As a photographer, you certainly do become sensitive to the tremendous variation in the quality of lighting from venue to venue. There are some venues where you know that there will be a lot of work coming up in post-processing, and some venues (like this one) where you can be confident that things will be simpler.