A small sample

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Here’s a selection of photographs that I’ve shot in low light over the past few years. The action pictures are all with prime lenses, and generally at ISO800 or higher. I find that these types of photographs tend to be either ‘hit’ or ‘miss’; if it’s a good one, it’s very good (and the rest are summarily deleted). Good timing and a fast frame rate are useful, and I don’t usually post-process these pictures significantly.

Rhee Tae Kwon-Do free sparring, April 2007, Kiara, Perth
RTKD free sparring, April 2007
Rhee Tae Kwon-Do flying side kick break, May 2007, Kiara, Perth
RTKD flying side kick break, May 2007
Rhee Tae Kwon-Do black belt training, October 2010, Morley, Perth
RTKD black belt training, October 2010
Rhee Tae Kwon-Do jumping reverse crescent kick, October 2012, Churchlands, Perth
RTKD jumping reverse crescent kick, October 2012

Portraits, on the other hand, are relatively straightforward to shoot, but take up considerable time in post-processing to achieve the best result. Portraits of large groups almost always need more post-processing, as there are many little aspects to tidy up (e.g., shadowed faces that need lightening).

Rhee Tae Kwon-Do Perth Region black belts, October 2014, Churchlands, Perth
RTKD Perth Region black belts, October 2014
Rhee Tae Kwon-Do family portrait, February 2015, Kiara, Perth
RTKD family portrait, February 2015