Canadian photographer Michael Reichmann (founder of Luminous Landscape) died a few days ago. Amongst others, Digital Photography Review, Imaging Resource, and The Online Photographer have published tributes. I’m reminded of Thom Hogan’s tribute to his late photographic mentor, Galen Rowell; and if on-line words are anything to go by, I suspect quite a few people would have liked the opportunity to say some fond, final words to Mr. Reichmann.
I first came across Reichmann’s work when I was searching for reviews of the Canon EOS 20D many years ago, and appreciated the sense of humour evident in the description of its relatively loud mirror slap. (That review is no longer available for free on-line viewing—but from memory, the incident involved Reichmann taking a photograph of three men returning home after a late night out, of which the two conscious subjects immediately noticed the 20D’s loud ‘clack,’ but the third subject [who was unconscious] did not …)
Condolences to Mr. Reichmann’s family, friends, and colleagues.