July 2018 action

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

Master Vernon Low was in Perth again recently on another teaching visit. The evening started with some training on breaking and self-defence techniques for instructors and breaking techniques for senior coloured belt members.

First Tae Kwon Do turning kick, July 2018, Perth
FTKD turning kick, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do self-defence, July 2018, Perth
FTKD self-defence, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do breaking instruction, July 2018, Perth
FTKD breaking instruction, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do side kick, July 2018, Perth
FTKD side kick, July 2018

Most of the evening was dedicated to training for instructors and black belt members.Throughout the session, Master Low gave meticulous attention to his students, both in teaching new techniques and in improving existing techniques.

First Tae Kwon Do palm heel strike, July 2018, Perth
FTKD palm heel strike, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do side kick, July 2018, Perth
FTKD side kick, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do pattern, July 2018, Perth
FTKD pattern, July 2018
First Tae Kwon Do pattern instruction, July 2018, Perth
FTKD pattern instruction, July 2018

The lighting in this particular gymnasium is fairly even in both brightness and colour, so it was easy to achieve consistency in my images despite shooting at different times and in different parts of the venue. The only thing I could have asked for as a photographer was stronger lighting—but that will almost always be the case with indoor action photography.