Master Vernon Low was in Perth recently to teach senior First Tae Kwon Do students about breaking, which forms part of the school’s curriculum for black belt candidates. He began by addressing the group and speaking in detail about the principles and key aspects of the physical execution of breaking techniques.

Master Low then looked at each student, spending considerable time to analyse and comment on each individual’s side kicking technique. While there were some common elements to what he taught across all students, each individual student received personal instruction on the changes and improvements needed to his/her own technique.

As part of the training, all of the students executed breaking techniques in front of Master Low, immediately putting into practice the instructions he had provided.

Master Low approached each student in a positive and constructive way, helping them in a precise yet gracious manner. It was encouraging to see many of the students benefit from just a few adjustments to their technique. Many black belt members and instructors from all across Perth were present to assist and to watch as Master Low taught.

The students themselves represented a broad cross-section of ages, ranging from primary school children through to mature adults. They had each been training for a number of years, but all came away from the class having received personal tuition from Master Low.