Ten thousand hits

Published on Author Yean Wei Ong

It’s been a little over a year since I started this weblog, and visitor traffic has reached 10,000 hits. Quite a few of the hits in the first few days would have been webcrawlers and other non-human visitors, but overall there should be a fairly low proportion of those in the cumulative statistics by now. In any case, it’s interesting to consider a breakdown of activity.

Visitors by country

  1. USA 1,765
  2. Australia 558
  3. Japan 271
  4. Germany 202
  5. France 196
  6. China 119
  7. Sweden 113
  8. UK 83
  9. Romania 76
  10. Ukraine 69

It’s not surprising that most visitors appear to be from the United States of America, followed at a distance by Australia. I suppose Japan isn’t a surprise at third, since much of what I’ve written to date is about Japanese products from Nikon and Canon.

Visits by browser

  1. Chrome 32%
  2. Internet Explorer 19%
  3. Opera 18%
  4. Firefox 14%
  5. Safari 5%

Google’s Chrome is the clear leader amongst browser software, but not by as much as I would have guessed. Bear in mind, of course, that these statistics are just for visitors to this particular website.

Visits by operating system

  1. Windows 73%
  2. MacOS 7%
  3. iOS 3%
  4. Linux 3%

Microsoft Windows (in all its variants) takes the leading position amongst operating systems, and Apple’s  MacOS and OS X come a distant second. It looks like most visitors to this website are not visiting from mobile devices.

There you have it—no major surprises in the visitor traffic to this blog so far.